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You’re the Self-Starter, Twisted Self-Starter, Again January 29, 2016

Posted by Audit Monkey in The Joy & Pain of Internal Audit, Working Life in Britain.
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I’ve updated my earlier ‘Self Starter’ post and added some further interview questions which I had omitted.  The list of questions is for my benefit as it will assist interview preparation in the future. Of course, it will also help the competition but still.

After the dust had settled, I had an interview post-mortem with my Mother. (I know, middle-aged man discusses his work issues with his Mother but just park that thought.) She asked that maternal question “how did it go?”

I replied “alright but the Hiring Manager was seeing another couple of candidates and another next week. The Hiring Manager let slip that next week’s candidate was a successful applicant previously but there was no position available”.

Of course, sometimes the blinding obvious doesn’t hit you in the face; it happens to the best of us, including Auditors who are supposed to be the all-seeing eye. And if the obvious hasn’t hit you either, here it is. The interview was a waste of time; there was a preferred candidate in the mix and my interview was just a perfunctory exercise to make sure all the necessary compliance boxes had been ticked, i.e. open competition for vacancies. Needless to say, I won’t be holding my breath. What made it worse, the interviewer perversed with the lengthy questioning when it could have been cut short. Then again, it was an Auditor sticking to a process so there was never going to much deviation. Talk about painful.


1. ITauditSecurity - January 29, 2016

That is painful. I never did that when I interviewed. But finding good people is always a problem!

2. Audit Monkey - February 1, 2016

Part of the problem is that HR Officers (although not relevant in this case) are inexperienced and non-specialists, they often make judgements regarding candidates based on personality, cultural fit and other non-relevant factors rather than technical ability. Also to justify their own existence, I’m sure they elongate the recruitment process based to the need to ‘fully assess’ the candidate.

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